Who Can Apply?
Individuals in genuine need of our service due to unemployment and/or health issues, low-income families, or new immigrants are all welcome. We will serve everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of race or religion. If you would like to use our service, please call to register or bring the required documents and visit us during opening hours.
How to Apply?
Please see our hours of operation and schedule. On your first visit, we will conduct an intake interview. Please bring the following required documents to register, along with grocery bags/ shopping cart:
- Proof of current address (e.g., utility bills or bank statements)
- Photo I.D.: self and family members (see list below *)
- Proof of income: social assistance (see list below +), pay slip, or Income Tax Assessment (NOA)
- Housing expenses (e.g., rental agreement or receipt with landlord’s information)
* Valid photo I.D. includes: driver’s license, permanent resident card, Ontario photo card, passport, birth certificate, student card, OHIP card (OHIP card can be accepted as a form of identification card, for your convenience, if you prefer and voluntarily offered. We would neither collect your Health card number nor keep a copy on file.)
+ Income statements: Canada Child Tax Benefit, Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Ontario Retirement Pension Plan, Ontario Student Assistance Program
All personal information is confidential, is used only by GCFS to better understand our service user’s circumstances, and will not be shared with any other organizations.
What Do We Provide?
Each service user will be provided a two to three days supply of food over a two-week period for each visit.
We will check with our service user to see what their food preferences are and will prepare the food hamper according to each service user’s food preferences and needs. If you have any dietary restrictions or medical conditions, or are allergic to any type of food, please let us know. We will try our best to accommodate your needs.
Food Bank Use Policy
Each Service user is expected to review and follow our Food Bank Use Policy.
- Our doors open at 10:15 a.m. and will not be opened earlier than the set time.
- Our registration cut-off time is 11:30 a.m.
- Service users must register first before using our service and should provide the required identification and documents.
- A waiver must be signed. In the case of any food allergies, Service users must inform our staff at the time of registration.
- There is no exchange on food items, only returns. There are no exceptions.
- 现时所居住的地址证明文件(如电费单,煤气单,或银行月结单)
- 有相片身份证-自己/子女 (如出世纸,护照,枫叶卡, 驾驶执照,或安省身份证)
- 入息/社会援助金证明
- 住房支出证明(如房租收据 ,包括房东姓名)
- 超市胶袋或环保袋
- **有效身份证件可包括: 驾驶执照,学生证,枫叶卡,加拿大护照,出生证明,安大略省残疾支援报单, 加拿大退休金报单和老年保障报单, 安大略省健康卡(为了您的方便,如果您愿意并自愿提供,安大略省健康卡可以被接受作为一种身份证形式。我们既不会收集您的健康卡号码,也不会存档副本。)
每两周一次到访的客户可领取三天的食物供应。我们会盡量配合客户所提供对食物类别的喜好及需要去派发。如你有食物敏感, 或有任何特别的医疗顾虑, 请先通知我们,以作出安排。
每個月的第一个和第三个周六: 早上十时十五分至 中午十二时
請注意: 本食物銀行登記載止時間為 11:30 AM